Monday, June 27, 2011

Lead Me, my dearest...

New journey...New chapter... New people... New surroundings... Wow! life cannot be any better!

2011 has been a bitter sweet journey with lots happening. Can't seem to complete, "What is ...?" and it's happening already. No time to sit and ponder on what had happened, what is happening and what is going to happen. Do you know what I'm trying to say?? On second thought, don't even try to. It's just no point :-)

All I have to do now, is just sit and wait on the Lord and see where is He leading me. My heart beats with desires that He himself has planted in me and all i can do it just write it down to stamp the conviction within me. What a amazing journey to be on... not knowing where I am heading, having just enough light a to see where I am walking, that's it.

And all i can say is.... Lead Me, my dearest. I am holding onto You.

I am back! I am back! Need to get some inspiration....

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Best Friend

I have seen God in action in my life.... I was like Peter, when during the storm, spotted Jesus from afar, and quickly jumped out to meet Him.... STOP!... Now, this is where i come in..I was invited to give a talk to a Youth group in my church and the topic was : Lent.

No doubt this wasn't my first time giving a talk but I must say that this was the first time, I had gotten excited to see the Lord from afar.... from afar.... and so since i was in a very vunerable state of mind, just like Peter in the storm, I had to reach out for my Holy Spirit to lead me out of this storm ....

Now, let's carry on... So Peter without thinking much, jumped out of the boat and realised that he was walking on water.... STOP!.., this is where i come in... again. I felt the Holy Spirit was also reaching out to me during the 45 mins of the talk. He was right there with me, feeding me with info and ideas that i should mention in my talk.

But the only part where Peter becomes afraid and in the face of the storm, he started to sink. I must say that I had focused on the face of my best friend, and hence, I made it through the talk, with the Spirit of God upon me, all over me, if i dare say. I was made to realise that when i yield to the Holy Spirit, everything will be fall into place.

"Prepare yourself and I will do the rest", he says. And this is only the beginning.

Thank you, my dearest friend.... my Holy Spirit. I knew I could count on you..

Monday, February 1, 2010

Thank you, Sharon...

Interesting day...

Sharon & Aaron had invited me to have my first lunch with them. Home cooked by Sharon!

Let me tell you, if you don't know....Oh! you really don'tknow... by the way, it was really good! I mean really gooooooooodddddd....

Obviously, I had to ask Sharon for her "Fried Curry luncheon Meat" and her "ABC Soup" recipe. I must tell you, it was so easy to cook and it was really tasty.

So after my class, i scooted off to Tesco and bought the stuff that i needed to cook! Oh Boy, was i excited just trying out yummy recipies!

I cooked the "Fried Curry Luncheon Meat" & "ABC soup" and the verdict:

"Very delicious, darling." "I really love it!" "Something different!"

My hubby made my day.... and i have Sharon, my sister-in-law to thank for...

Thank you, Sharon.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

God's Ideal

I had a great day!

Spending time with the Lord, does pay off. I mean, really spending time with the Lord.

It is good for me to make God my IDEAL and not just a goal in life. I have also learnt that my goals in life must be God focused. God created me as a purposeful being. He has given me a reason to live with significance.

I have come to learn that God's ideal for man is Matt 22:37 : "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all you mind (intellect). ([Deut. 6:5]). To fulfill God's ideal, I must do "Matt 22:37").

When I make God as my IDEAL, everything that i have ever wanted will be added unto me... What more do I need? "Seek ye First the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be added unto you." AMEN.

What a loving God I have.... I am just too blessed right now... Praise God.

Monday, January 25, 2010

He is my Jesus...

Look at the picture...

Today i had an experience which i will keep close to my heart.

I had gone to visit my Lord at the Blessed Sacrement. It was about 4pm and it was really quiet. I began to chat with the Lord. Telling him how much i misst him and that I would like to really become a rich woman with loads of children and a big house to live in!

Then the Lord walked up to me and sat right in front of me. I asked him, "Why are you here?" At that point, all i could think of, what am i doing here? Why am i here? All my problems vanished at the sight of the Lord! That's when i believed the statement,"All problems will bow at the cross!" It was real.
All I could think of is 1 Peter 5:7,"Why should I worry and fret when I can cast all my anxiety on Christ who care for me."

So i got my answer and walked out of the Blessed Sacrement, pleased with the Lord for giving me everything and that He will do the working and I will wait on Him...

Look at the picture....It's my Jesus, waiting for me.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Roast away!

Roasted chicken! Yummy!

Roasting a chicken is indeed a theraputic method in cooking. Just dressing the chicken with its marinade and hoping that it will plump up like a cherry after 24 hours, is just a sight to behold!

Then stuffing its cavity with butter, a lemon and rosemary is just the way to beautify it!

Then to decorate it, I add some half boiled potatoes, carrots and a few pips of garlic which are coated with salt, pepper and olive oil. Just decorate them around the tray and see for yourself and it surely makes me feel very Jamieish!

A dollop of olive oil and swwwooosshh...into the oven at 180C or 200C for 1 hour.

To add colour to your tree, errmmm....chicken, add honey 15 mins before taking the bird out of the oven!

Ting! there goes my oven! It's done. Yummy!! Looks tempting but it needs to rest to get its juices back into its place.. oh wow! The juices that flow out of the chicken, well you could just pour it into a pot and then squeeze the soften garlic and stir with some butter. You will feel really good about yourself right now.. believe me.

Then, we dig in! I am not Michael Smith, carving it all professionally, so a little help is necessary!

Got to go! Care to join me?